You either drive through winding forests to get here or you arrive by sailing boat or yacht. Whichever way you choose, keep your expectations high, because what you will experience is nothing short of spectacular.

Dirhami is a harbour overlooking the Osmussaar waters, the refreshing small sandy beach is famous amongst sunseekers and sailors alike. The guesthouse is a modernised functionalist concrete house, housing Estonia’s finest artisan fish smoker, their cold-smoked salmon is as good as it gets.
Next to the exclusive harbour is Dirhami Fish Café, a restaurant which you are strongly advised to book beforehand. Local produce of the freshest quality imaginable, with generosity both on the plate and in spirit. This is not over-technical fine dining, far from it. This is closer to super refined home cooking, of the irresistible variety that everyone wishes was more prominent in more restaurants.
Smoked, deep fried, gently boiled, barely touched, raw – everything that comes out of the kitchen here bears the sensation of being treated by light hands, and an exceptional palate. Pure yet remarkable sensitivity towards the ingredients, in a minimalist but still exciting fashion. The vegetables and salads are bright and full of lively energy. Dirhami is humble and proud, passionate and forward-thinking, yet comfortably traditional. This is not a random place you suddenly stumble upon, this is a precious gem you seek out.